Live in Newcastle

Title Live in Newcastle
Date 13.03.85
Venue Newcastle, Tiffanys
Label MRCD 5 Made in England
  1. First & Last & Always
  2. Body and Soul
  3. Train
  4. Marian
  5. No time to cry
  6. Possession
  7. Walk Away
  8. Burn
  9. Emma
  10. Logic
  11. A Rock & A Hard Place
  12. Floorshow
  13. Alice
  14. Body Electric
  15. gimme shelter
  16. Nine While Nine/Ghostrider

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EBAY 16,99 Euro 04/2010, 10,50 Euro 11/2010


same concert is on:

Disguised in Black CD & DoLP


Gimme Shelter CD