Possession DoLP

Title Possession DoLP
Date 28.08.83
Venue Amsterdam, Paradiso
Label Produced by Music for Mind; for Skeleton Songs Ltd. Skelet 03
Lounging Records
  1. Burn
  2. Valentine
  3. Anaconda
  4. Heartland
  5. Alice


  1. Emma
  2. Temple of Love
  3. Floorshow


  1. Adrenochrome
  2. Gimme Shelter
  3. Kiss the Carpet
  4. Body Electric


  1. Lights
  2. Sister Ray/Louie Louie/Ghostrider/Louie Louie

possession.JPG (13326 bytes)

original cover (same cover colours as ltd. edition)

posessionltd.JPG (13404 bytes)

ltd. edition with sticker




bulletsame as CD "Possession" (same Cover)
bulletSame as DoCD "Possession"
bulletreleased in 85
bulletlimited edition 200 in clear and multicoloured vinyl
bulletspecial edition with blue vinyl (not limited)
bulletsoundboard recording
bulletEBAY 58,70Euro, 42 Euro (02/04), EBAY 02/2008 40,50Euro, 11/2009 16,70 GBP = 18,60 Euro, 11/2009 40,50 Euro, 16,15 GBP = 18,34 Euro 07/2011, 17,56 Euro 01/2012, 40 USD = 32,87 Euro 07/2012 (LoungingRecordLabel), 30,50 Euro 01/2013
bulletEBAY 144 Euro 01/2010, 112 Euro 12/2010, 175 Euro 01/2011 multicoloured version, 101 Euro 04/2011 multicoloured, 119,99 Euro 0 10/2012
bulletEBAY blue vinyl not sold for 85 and for 75 Euro 10/2010, sold for 38 USD =30,37 Euro 05/2012, 37,50 Euro 03/2013, 39,03 Euro 09/2013